منتديات عين بسام التربوية
مرحبا بك (عزيزي الزائر، عزيزتي الزائرة) ،نتمنّى أن تجد(ي) ما يروقك ويلبّي حاجاتك .إن طاب لك المقام بيننا نتشرّف بدعوتك لإنشاء حسابك .
أخوك: أبو فيصل
منتديات عين بسام التربوية
مرحبا بك (عزيزي الزائر، عزيزتي الزائرة) ،نتمنّى أن تجد(ي) ما يروقك ويلبّي حاجاتك .إن طاب لك المقام بيننا نتشرّف بدعوتك لإنشاء حسابك .
أخوك: أبو فيصل
منتديات عين بسام التربوية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

موقع تربويّ تعليميّ ثقافيّ يعتني بشؤون المتعلّمين والمعلّمين
الرئيسيةالرئيسية  البوابةالبوابة  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  التسجيلالتسجيل  دخول  
أهلا وسهلا بك في منتديات عين بسّام التربويّة . نسعد بحضورك معنا ونكون أسعد حين تتفضّل بمساهماتك النيّرة الهادفة . ستقضي وقتا شيّقا بين إخوانك وأخواتك في أسرة هدفها التربية والتعليم . دمت في حفظ الله ورعايته.
تذكّر قول الله تعالى : " ما يلفظ من قول إلاّ لديه رقيب عتيد." ق 18 
قال الرسول صلّى الله عليه وسلّم: " من سلك طريقا يلتمس فيه علما سهّل الله له به طريقا إلى الجنّة "رواه الامام مسلم
قال الرسول صلّى الله عليه وسلّم: " من خرج في طلب العلم فهو في سبيل الله حتّى يرجع." رواه الترمذي


 Second Term English Exam 2nd Year Classes

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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تاريخ التسجيل : 21/04/2012

Second Term English Exam 2nd Year Classes Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Second Term English Exam 2nd Year Classes   Second Term English Exam 2nd Year Classes Empty08.05.12 22:09

Second Term English Exam 2nd Year Classes Time : 2 hours

Part one: Reading and Writing
1/ Comprehension and Interpretation:
Read the text carefully and then do the

It’s a warm spring day in the school holidays
and the children are not out playing.

They are in darkened rooms, glued in the TV
sets, or surfing on the internet.

As their friends rides their bikes, go
swimming, play football, the only games your children plays are those on the
computer, and their only pet is the mouse.

For thousands of children the computer and the
TV now dominate their lives, turning them into electronic junkies with virtual
child hoods where real relationships are placed by artificial ones. Many
children too, begin their viewing early in the morning, so parents may still be
in bed when their children are already up. According to an American study for
US, ten hours watching a week is a healthy level.

Joan Anderson, author of Getting Unplugged
says:”children, who watch too much television from an early age have difficulty
concentrating, do less well in school, are less active and find difficulties to
form relationships because they spend so much of their time in an imaginary

By Alex Murray

1/ Are there any direct quotations in the text?
If yes, write them.

2/ Are this statements true or false.
a. Few children are interested in computer and

b. Children should watch TV more than ten hours
a day.

c. Joan Anderson is an American child who loves
watching TV.

d. Young children who watch too much TV get
good results at school.

3/Answer the following questions according to
the text.

a. According to the author, what can children
di instead of playing video games or watching TV?

b. Does the mouse represent a real pet for

c. What does Joan Anderson say about watching

d. What are the results of spending too much
time in front of TV?

4/Find in the text words that are closest in
meaning to:

-Dark or gloomy (§1) =...................
-bicycles (§2) =....................-Watching (§3) =..................

5/Find ion the text words that are opposites in
meaning to:

-Cold (§1) #................... - virtual (§3)
#................... –passive (§4) #...................

6/ what do the underlined words refer to?
Their (§2)............... their
(§2)............... ones (§3)............... who (§4).................

2/ Text Exploration:
1. Supply punctuation and capitals where

in my country children like watching cartoons
playing video games and visiting their families on weekends

2. Read the sentences carefully and tick in the
right column:

Sentences Request Prohibition obligation
a. Children mustn’t watch horror films.
b. They must go to bed early.
c. Could you switch off the TV set, please?

3. Turn this sentences into the indirect speech

a. My parents say, ”you have to work hard at

My parents

b. My friends said to me, ”shall we go to the

My friends suggested......................................................
c. He asked me, ”How much time do you spend
watching TV?”

He wanted to

4. Ask questions on the underlined words:
Children begin their viewings early in the

Part two: Writing
Choose one of the topics

Topic one: Complete the following dialogue
Teenager: I have got two TV sets at home.
Teenager: I spend two hours a day watching TV.
Teenager: My favourite programmes are cartoons
,quiz shows and comedy films.

Teenager: yes , I have a computer too.
Teenager No , I also use it to do my home work.
Topic two: Use the questionnaire results to
write a report about teenagers’ favourite programmes

Informants : 30 boys(12) girls (18)
Age : 15 – 19 (secondary school students)
Favourite programmes : - cartoons 07
- quiz shows 10
- sports programmes 08
- Documentaries 05
Good Luck
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Second Term English Exam 2nd Year Classes
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